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2023 and in press

Prabhakaran, V., Davani, A., Ferguson, M. J., & Atir, S. (accepted, 2023). Distinguishing address vs. reference mentions of personal names in text. To be published in Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2, Short Papers.


Kurdi, B., Krosch, A., & Ferguson, M. J. (in press). Oppressed groups engender implicit positivity: Seven demonstrations using novel and familiar targets. Psychological Science. 

*Korkmaz, A., *Mann, T. C., Eibelman, J., Sommers, R., & Ferguson, M. J. (in press). Judging Guilt: Implicit impressions predict jury verdicts. (*shared first authorship). Social Psychological and Personality Science.


Ruisch, B., & Ferguson, M. J. (2023). Did Donald Trump's Presidency Reshape Americans' Prejudices?  Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

Ruisch, B., Lewis, N. A., Jr., & Ferguson, M. J. (registered report accepted in principle). When are women (dis)favored in the hiring process?  Nature Human Behavior.


Heycke, T., Aust, F., Banaji, M. R., Cone, J., Van Dessel, P., ..., Ferguson, M. J., ..., & De Houwer, J. (conditionally accepted). Of two minds: A registered replication. Psychological Science.



Bigman, Y. E.., Surdel, N., & Ferguson, M. J. (2022). Trait attribution explains human-robot interactions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.


Shen, X., Maiolatesi, T., Mann, T., & Ferguson, M. J. (2022). The relation between updated implicit impressions and the trust game.  Social Psychological and Personality Science. 


Carlson, R., Bigman, Y., Gray K., Ferguson, M. J., & Crockett, M. (2022). Inferred motives and moral judgments of action and character.  Nature Reviews.


Shen, X., & Ferguson, M. J.  (2022). Are we stuck on the face?  New evidence for when and how people update face-based implicit impressions. To appear in E. Balcetis & G. Moskowitz (Eds.), Festschrift in honor of James S. Uleman. New York: Oxford University Press.


Kurdi, B., Hussey, I., Stahl, C., Hughes, S., Unkelbach, C., Ferguson, M. J., & Corneille, O. (2022). Unaware Attitude Formation in the Surveillance Task? Revisiting the Findings of Moran et al. (2021). International Review of Social Psychology, 35(1): 6, 1–16. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., Shen, X Cone, J., & Mann, T.C. (2022).  How do we reduce implicit bias toward outgroups?  In Krosnick, J.A., Stark, T. H & Scott, A.L. (Eds.). (forthcoming). The Cambridge Handbook of Implicit Bias and Racism. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.


Ruisch, B., & Ferguson, M. J. (2022). Changes in Americans’ Prejudice During the Presidency of Donald Trump. Nature Human Behavior.

Katz, J., Mann, T. C., Ferguson, M. J., Goncalo, J., & Shen, X. (2022). Implicit impressions of creative people. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.



Kurdi, B., Mann, T. C., & Ferguson, M. J. (2021). Persuading the implicit mind: Changing negative implicit evaluations with an 8-minute podcast. Social Psychological and Personality Science. pdf

Shen, X., & Ferguson, M. J. (2021). How resistant are implicit impressions of facial trustworthiness? When new evidence leads to durable updating. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Bentley, J., Davidai, S., Bloomfield, R. J., & Ferguson, M. J. (2021). Identifying bias through post-report interactions.  The Accounting Review, 96 (5): 53–78.

Moran, T., Hughes, S., Hussey, I., Vadillo, M. A., Olson, M. A., Aust, F., Bading, K., Balas, R., Benedict, T., Corneille, O., Douglas, S. B., Ferguson, M. J., Fritzlen, K. A., Gast, A., Gawronski, B., Fernandez, T. G., Hanusz, K., Heycke, T., Högden, F., Hütter, M., Kurdi, B., Mierop, A., Richter, J., Sarzynska-Wawer, J., Smith, C. T., Stahl, C., Thomasius, P., Unkelbach, C., & De Houwer, J. (2021). Incidental attitude formation via the surveillance task: A pre-registered replication of the Olson and Fazio (2001) study. Psychological Science, 32, 120-131. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Cone, J. (2021).  The role of intentionality in priming. Psychological Inquiry,, pp. 38-40. 

Cone, J. Flaharty, & Ferguson, M. J. (2021). The long-term effects of new evidence on implicit impressions of other people. Psychological Science, 32, 173-188. pdf

Melnikoff, D., Stillman, P., Mann, T., Shen, X., & Ferguson, M. J. (2021). Tracking prejudice: A mouse-tracking measure of evaluative conflict predicts discriminatory behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 266-272. pdf



Stillman, P., Krajbich, & Ferguson, M. J. (2020). Using dynamic monitoring of choices to predict and understand risk preferences.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. pdf


Gruber, J., Mendle, J., Akinola, M., … Ferguson, M. J., …Williams, L. A. (2020). The Future of Women in Psychological Science. Perspectives on Psychological Science. pdf


Carter, T., Pandey, G., Ferguson, M. J., Hassin, R. R, & Bolger, N. (2020). Has the effect of the American flag on political attitudes declined over time? A case study of the historical context of priming effects. Social Cognition.


Kurdi, B., Krosch, A. R., & Ferguson, M. J. (2020). Implicit evaluations of moral agents reflect intent and outcome. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Advance online publication. pdf


Shen, X., Mann, T. C., & Ferguson, M. J. (2020). Beware a dishonest face? How we update our implicit impressions of untrustworthy faces.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 86,103888. pdf



Cone, J., Flaharty, K., & Ferguson, M. J. (2019).  Believability of evidence matters for correcting social impressions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., Mann, T. C., Cone, J., & Shen, X. (2019). When and How Implicit Impressions Can Be Updated. Current Directions in Psychological Science. pdf


Mann, T. C., Cone, J., Ferguson, M. J., & Heggeseth, B. (2019). Updating Implicit Impressions: New Evidence on Intentionality and the Affect Misattribution Procedure.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. pdf


Stillman, P., & Ferguson, M. J. (2019). Decisional Conflict Predicts Impatience. Journal for the Association of Consumer Research. pdf



Stillman, P., Shen, X., & Ferguson, M. J. (2018). How Mouse-tracking Can Advance Social Cognitive Theory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. pdf


Ruisch, B., Cone, J., Shen, X., & Ferguson, M. J. (2018). Dual and single-process perspectives on the role of threat detection in evaluation. Psychological Inquiry. pdf


Atir, S., & Ferguson, M. J. (August 13, 2018). Do you use someone's first name or last?  The answer speaks volumes. Wall Street Journal. link


Atir, S., & Ferguson, M. J. (2018). How Gender Determines the Way We Speak About Professionals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. pdf



Stillman, P., & Ferguson, M. J. (2017).  Devil versus angel: when do they shift into action in the face of temptation? The Conversation, Chicago Tribune, and other outlets.  link


Stillman, P., Medvedev, D., & Ferguson, M. J. (2017). Resisting temptation: Tracking how self-control conflicts are successfully resolved in real time.  Psychological Science. pdf


Cone, J., Mann, T. C., & Ferguson, M. J. (2017). Can we change our implicit minds?  New evidence for how, when, and why implicit impressions can be rapidly revised.  Advances in Social Psychologypdf


Mann, T., & Ferguson, M. J.  (2017).  Reversing implicit first impressions through reinterpretation after a two-day delay.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 68, 122–127.  pdf



Critcher, C., & Ferguson, M. J. (2016). “Whether I like it or not, it’s important”: Implicit importance of means predicts self-regulatory persistence and success. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110,  818-839.  pdf 


Ferguson, M. J., & Critcher, C. (2016, October 27).  How To Tell if Someone Will Succeed.  Time Magazine, The Conversation, and other outlets.  link


Ferguson, M. J. (2016, April 13).  Is it too late for Trump and Clinton to become more likable?  Scientific American, Newsweek, The Conversation, and other outlets.  link


Mann, T. C., & Ferguson, M. J. (2016, June 1).  How does reinterpretation influence our first impressions?  Keller Center for Researchlink



Mann, T., & Ferguson, M. J.  (2015).  Can we undo our first impressions?  The role of reinterpretation in reversing implicit evaluations.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108, 823-849.  pdf  interactive figures

     * Winner, Best Paper Award, ISCON 2016


Cone, J., & Ferguson, M. J. (2015).  He Did What? The role of diagnosticity in revising implicit evaluations.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108, 37-57. pdf


Mann, T., Cone, J., & Ferguson, M. J.  (2015). Social-psychological evidence for the effective updating of implicit attitudes. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, 32-33.  link



Ferguson, M. J., Carter, T. J., & Hassin, R. R. (2014). Commentary on the attempt to replicate the effect of the American flag on increased Republican attitudes. Social Psychology, 45, 301-302.  pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Mann, T.  (2014).  Effects of evaluation: An example of robust ‘social’ priming. Social Cognition, 32 (Supplement), 68-87. pdf


Critcher, C. R., & Ferguson, M. J. (2014). The cost of keeping it hidden: Decomposing concealment reveals what makes it depleting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 721-735. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., Mann, T. C., & Wojnowicz, M. (2014).  Rethinking duality: Criticisms and ways forward.  Invited chapter in J. Sherman, B. Gawronski, & Y. Trope (Eds.), Dual process theories of the social mind (pp. 578-594).  Guilford Press.  pdf



Fukukura, J., Helzer, E., & Ferguson, M. J. (2013).  Prospection by any other name?  A reply to Seligmen et al.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8(2), 146-150. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Cone, J. (2013).  The mind in motivation: A social cognitive perspective on the role of consciousness in goal pursuit.  Invited chapter in D. Carlston’s (Ed.) Handbook of social cognition (pp. 476-496). Oxford University Press. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Porter, S. (2013).  An examination of categorization processes in organizations: The root of intergroup bias and a route to prejudice reduction.  Invited chapter in Q. Robertson’s (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Diversity and Work (pp. 98-114).  Oxford University Press. pdf


Fukukura, J., Ferguson, M. J., & Fujita, K. (2013).  Psychological distance can improve decision making under information overload via gist memory.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 658-665. pdf



Ferguson, M. J., & Fukukura, J. (2012).  Likes and dislikes: A social cognitive perspective.  Invited chapter in S. Fiske, & C. N. Macrae (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Social Cognition (pp. 165-189).  Los Angeles: SAGE. pdf



Natanzon, M., & Ferguson, M. J. (2011).  Goal pursuit is grounded: The link between forward movement and achievement.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 379-382. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Wojnowicz, M. (2011).  The when and how of evaluative readiness: A social cognitive neuroscience perspective.  Personality and Social Psychology Compass, 5, 1018-1038. pdf


Critcher, C., & Ferguson, M. J. (2011). Affect in the abstract: Abstract mindsets promote sensitivity to affect.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 1185-1191. pdf


Carter, T., Ferguson, M. J., Hassin, R. R. (2011).  A single exposure to the American flag shifts support toward Republicanism up to 8 months later.  Psychological Science, 22, 1011-1018. pdf


Carter, T., Ferguson, M. J., & Hassin, R. R. (2011).  Implicit nationalism as implicit system justification: The case of the United States.  Social Cognition, 29, 341-359. pdf


Moore, S., Ferguson, M. J., & Chartrand, T. (2011).  Affect in the aftermath:  Effects of goal pursuit on implicit evaluations.  Cognition and Emotion, 25, 453-465. pdf



Ferguson, M. J., & Porter, S. C. (2010).  What is implicit about goal pursuit?  Invited chapter in B. Gawronski & K. Payne (Eds.), Handbook of Implicit Social Cognition.  New York: Guilford Press. pdf


Swim, J. K., Eyssell, K. M., Quinlivan, E., & Ferguson, M. J. (2010).  Self-silencing to sexism.  Journal of Social Issues, 66, 493-507. pdf



Hassin, R., Ferguson, M. J., Kardosh, R., Porter, S., & Carter, T. (2009).  Précis to implicit nationalism.  Annals of New York Academy of Science, 1167, 135-145. pdf

Ferguson, M. J. & Zayas, V. (2009).  Nonconscious evaluation.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18, 362-366. pdf


Wojnowicz, M., Ferguson, M. J, Dale, R., & Spivey, M. (2009).  The self-organization of deliberate evaluations.  Psychological Science, 20, 1428-1435. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., Carter, T. C., & Hassin, R. R. (2009).  On the automaticity of American nationalism. Invited chapter in J. T. Jost, A. C. Kay, & H. Thorisdottir (Eds.), Social and psychological bases of ideology and system justification. New York: Oxford University Press. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Porter, S. C. (2009). Goals and attitudes: A social cognitive perspective.  Invited chapter to appear in G. Moscowitz & H. Grant (Eds.), The Psychology of Goals.  New York: Guilford Press. link



Ferguson, M. J. (2008).  On becoming ready to pursue a goal you don’t know you have: Effects of nonconscious goals on evaluative readiness.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 1268-1294. pdf


McCulloch, K.C., Ferguson, M. J., Kawada, C., & Bargh, J. A. (2008).  Taking a closer look: On the operation of nonconscious impression formation.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 514-523. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Bargh, J. A. (2008).  Evaluative readiness: The motivational nature of automatic evaluation.  Invited chapter in A. J. Elliot (Ed.), Handbook of approach and avoidance motivation.  Psychology Press. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., Hassin, R., & Bargh, J. A. (2008).  Implicit motivation: Past, present, and future.  Invited chapter in J. Shah and W. Gardner (Eds.), Handbook of motivation science.  NY: Guilford. pdf



Hassin, R. R., Ferguson, M. J., Shidlovsky, D., & Gross, T. (2007). Waved by invisible flags: The effects of subliminal exposure to flags on political thought and behavior.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104, 19757-19761. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Hassin, R. R. (2007).  On the automatic association between America and aggression in news-watchers.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1632-1647. pdf


Ferguson, M. J. (2007).  On the automatic evaluation of end-states.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 596-611. pdf


Fishbach, A., & Ferguson, M. J. (2007).  The goal construct in social psychology.  Invited chapter in A. W. Kruglanski & E. T. Higgins & (Eds.). Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles (pp. 490-515). Volume II. New York: Guilford Press. pdf


Ferguson, M. J. (2007).  The automaticity of evaluation.  Invited chapter in J. A. Bargh (Ed.), Social Psychology and the Unconscious: The automaticity of higher mental processes (pp. 219-264). Psychology Press. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Bargh, J. A. (2007).   Beyond the attitude object: How automatic attitudes spring from object-centered-contexts.  Invited chapter in B. Wittenbrink and N. Schwarz (Eds.), Implicit measures of attitudes (pp. 216-246).  NY: Guilford. pdf



Ferguson, M. J., Bargh, J. A., & Nayak, D. A. (2005).  After-affects: How automatic evaluations influence the interpretation of unrelated, subsequent stimuli.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 41, 182-191. pdf


Hassin, R., Aarts, H., & Ferguson, M. J. (2005).  Automatic goal inferences. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 41, 129-140. pdf



Ferguson, M. J., & Bargh, J. A. (2004).  Liking is for doing: Effects of goal-pursuit on automatic evaluation.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 557-572. pdf


Ferguson, M. J., & Bargh, J. A. (2004).  How social perception automatically influences behavior.  Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8, 33-39. pdf



Ferguson, M. J., & Bargh, J. A. (2003).  The constructive nature of automatic evaluation.  In J. Musch & K. C. Klauer (Eds.), The psychology of evaluation: Affective processes in cognition and emotion (pp.169-188). NJ: Erlbaum.


Bayer, U., Ferguson, M. J., & Gollwitzer, P. M. (2003).  Voluntary action from the perspective of social-personality psychology.  In S. Maasen & W. Prinz (Eds.), Voluntary action: Brains, minds, and sociality (pp. 86-107).  London: Oxford University Press. pdf


1999 - 2002

Ferguson, M. J., & Bargh, J. A. (2002).  Sensitivity and flexibility: Exploring the knowledge function of automatic attitudes.  In L. F. Barrett & P. Salovey (Eds.), The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence  (pp. 383-405).  NY: Guilford Press. link


Swim, J. K., Hyers, L. L., Cohen, L. L., & Ferguson, M. J. (2001).  Everyday sexism: Evidence for its incidence, nature, and psychological impact from three daily diary studies. Journal of Social Issues, 57, 31-53. pdf


Bargh, J. A., & Ferguson, M. J. (2000).  Beyond behaviorism: On the automaticity of higher mental processes.  Psychological Bulletin, 126, 925-945. pdf


Trope, Y., &  Ferguson, M. J. (2000). How and when preferences influence inferences. In J. Bargh & D. K. Apsley (Eds.), Unraveling the complexities of social life: A festschrift in honor of Robert B. Zajonc.  Washington, D.C.: APA Press. link


Trope, Y., Ferguson, M., & Raghunatan, R. (2000).  Mood as a resource in processing self-relevant information.  In J. Forgas (Ed.), Handbook of affect and cognition (Vol. 1).  Guilford Press. link


Swim, J. K., Ferguson, M. J., & Hyers, L. L. (1999). Avoiding stigma by association: Subtle prejudice against lesbians as a form of social distancing. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 21, 61-68. pdf